Delia Ramirez
U.S. House, IL-03
I am a progressive Democrat rooted in community values that center people and our collective power. I am an unapologetic fighter who has dedicated my entire career to fight tirelessly for solutions to complex issues like housing, healthcare, and education. Our campaign is people-funded, people-centered, refusing to accept corporate contributions.
In 2018, Delia was recruited by community organizations to run for the Illinois General Assembly and with a grass roots and community -centered campaign she was elected as State Representative for the 4th House District of Illinois. She was recruited to help find, fund and implement solutions to address community problems. Too often programs from major legislation did not fully address community needs. Since her election four years ago, she has successfully passed legislation expanding affordable housing, securing over 450 million to build affordable housing, expanding Medicaid coverage to senior citizens regardless of immigration status, protecting abortion rights, and creating an elected school board in the City of Chicago. She is the co-founder of the Illinois House Progressive Caucus and now serves as Assistant Majority Leader.
When the new 3rd Congressional District was created, community groups across the new District and those in her home community recruited her to step up and take advantage of this opportunity and run for Congress to bring her skills and community to the national level where much of the funding and initiatives are now originating. Her solid commitment to progressive policies and her ability to create and pass progressive solutions is needed in Congress. The challenge for progressives is finding ways to pass and then implement a progressive vision. People want to see results from elected officials as well as a commitment to the communities that elect them. Delia believes she has met and will continue to meet that goal.