DFA praises Clinton’s TPP opposition, “illustrates how out-of-touch White House is w/ America

Sec. Hillary Clinton just became the third major Democratic presidential candidate to make clear her opposition to the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Statement from Democracy for America about Sec. Clinton's stated opposition to the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.

"Hillary Clinton's decision to join Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley in opposing the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership demonstrates a keen understanding of where grassroots Democrats and the vast majority of Americans are on this disastrous trade deal.

"The American people don't want yet another NAFTA-style trade deal that will only make it easier to ship more jobs overseas, sell tainted food in our supermarkets, and challenge our laws in corporate courts. 

"The unanimous opposition to the job-killing TPP among the major Democratic presidential candidates illustrates just how out of touch the White House is with the American people as it pushes this god-awful trade deal and should be a giant flashing stop sign for any Democrat in Congress even contemplating voting for it."  -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

Democracy for America, of course, is one of the major national progressive organizations that has been fighting the job-killing TPP and "fast track" trade promotion authority it needed to pass for years -- and we'll continue to fight the former going forward.
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