Democracy for America backs Adrienne Bell for Congress in TX-14

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Adrienne Bell for Congress in her rematch against four-term incumbent Rep. Randy Weber in Texas’ 14th Congressional District

Democracy for America eagerly supported Bell ahead of her strong showing against her Republican opponent in November 2018.

With this endorsement, Bell joins a slate of four other battle-tested, progressive candidates who expanded the electorate and nearly unseated Republican incumbents in 2018 including Gina Ortiz-Jones (TX-23), Amar Campa-Najjar (CA-50), Marie Newman (IL-3), and Dana Balter (NY-24), the latter of whom DFA is also endorsing today.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots progressive group’s 2020 endorsement of Bell in TX-14:

“A lifelong Texan and educator, Adrienne Bell is running a campaign rooted in the idea that everyone should have the chance to succeed and driven by the people-power she learned how to harness as a grassroots organizer.

“Democracy for America is honored to support Adrienne Bell in her race for Congress, not only because she’ll make history as the first Black woman to represent Texas’ 14th District, but also because we know she believes that healthcare is a human right, financial stability shouldn’t only be a privilege of the wealthy, and every child deserves access to a high-quality public education.

“Adrienne Bell knows the struggles that Houstonians face and will be a game-changing force for progressive change for them in Congress. We look forward to having her back every step of the way.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Bell on receiving DFA’s support:

“Democracy for America has led the way for progressive grassroots leaders across the country. The support that Democracy for America members gave my campaign in the 2018 cycle, was a major boost. In 2020, having their support again, means we are one step closer to flipping Texas' 14th district and returning the seat to the people.” -- Adrienne Bell

DFA has 1,569 members in Texas’ 14th Congressional District and more than one million members nationwide.

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