Democracy for America backs Candace Valenzuela for Congress in TX-24

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Candace Valenzuela for Congress in Texas’ 24th Congressional District, a major Democratic target in the 2020 election.

Born and raised in Texas, Candace Valenzuela beat an eighteen-year incumbent in 2017 to become the first Latina and African-American woman to serve on the Carrollton-Farmers Branch school board.

When she’s elected to the U.S. House, Valenzuela will be the first Black Latina in Congress and is committed to taking on the systemic corruption that’s prevented real progress on universal health care, universal child care, criminal justice reform, and other laws that will lift up working families in Texas’ 24th Congressional District

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots progressive group’s endorsement of Valenzuela:

“Democracy for America is excited to endorse Candace Valenzuela for Congress because she knows how to win tough fights and has built the broad-based, local and national progressive coalition it will take to deliver a victory in one of the most hotly contested, majority-minority Congressional Districts in the 2020 election.

“A lifelong Texan and the daughter of U.S. Army veterans who struggled with homelessness during her childhood, the struggles that working families in Texas’ 24th District face every day aren’t unfamiliar, instead they’re part of the story that Candace will bring with her to Congress.

“A passionate opponent of the corporate corruption that defines Washington, Candace Valenzuela is running for Congress to fight for universal healthcare, robust criminal justice reform, and put the fight for affordable housing front and center on the national agenda.

“Democracy for America is honored to stand with Candace Valenzuela because she’s a committed advocate for progressive solutions who knows how to win in a critical battleground, congressional race like this one. We look forward to fighting alongside her all the way through November.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Candace Valenzuela on receiving DFA’s 2020 endorsement:

“I am so proud to have earned the support of DFA in this race. We must take on Washington corruption, which is why I am not taking a dime of corporate PAC money because voters should choose their elected officials, not special interests. I am running a strong, progressive campaign and look forward to fighting alongside DFA to get corruption out of Washington, tackle income inequality and ensure everyone gets equal justice under the law.”-- Candace Valenzuela, Candidate, Texas’ 24th Congressional District

DFA has 2,371 members in Texas 24th Congressional District, 67,545 in the state of Texas, and more than one million members nationwide.

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