Democracy for America backs four U.S. House challengers in critical California races

National group says victories of Caforio (CA-25), Oatman (CA-48), Jammal (CA-39), Levin (CA-49) are critical to confronting Trump’s “bigoted & oligarchic agenda”  

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Bryan Caforio (CA-25),  Laura Oatman (CA-48), Sam Jammal (CA-39), and Mike Levin (CA-49) in four U.S. House races in California that will be critical to helping Democrats win back the House of Representatives in 2018.

Democracy for America is a member-driven, people-powered progressive PAC with 305,710 members in California.  In October, the national progressive group endorsed Kevin De Leon in his battle for the U.S. Senate against California’s four-term Senator, Dianne Feinstein.

Chair Jim Dean on DFA’s endorsement of these four U.S. House Challengers in California:

“Victories across California in 2018 are going to be absolutely critical to Democrats’ chances of taking back the House and gaining the political power necessary to confront and defeat Donald Trump’s bigoted and oligarchic agenda.

“Bryan Caforio, Laura Oatman, Sam Jammal, and Mike Levin, and are all running the smart, inclusive populist campaigns necessary not only to defeat the right-wing, California Republicans who have been enabling Trump’s agenda, but also inspire in the tens of thousands of new voters who want to join us in fighting back.  California has long been a progressive beacon for the country and with these new leaders fighting for it in Washington it will continue to lead the battle for big, bold ideas like Medicare For All, comprehensive immigration reform, and a robust response to climate change.

From his attacks on Dreamers and immigrants to his plan to massively increase working families’ taxes to line the pockets of his red-state billionaire pals, Donald Trump has spent his first year in office launching a repeated, no-holds-barred assault on the people of California.  By sending Bryan Caforio, Laura Oatman, Sam Jammal, and Mike Levin to Congress, Californians will have the new warriors they need to fight back and Democracy for America members couldn’t be more excited to stand with them every step of the way.” -- Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America

Bryan Caforio (CA-25) is a native of Southern California raised by two public school teachers who has made a career as an attorney confronting corporate wrongdoers and standing up for whistleblowers.  As a candidate for Congress in California’s 25th Congressional District, Cafario has committed to working to pass Medicare for All, expand Medicare and Social Security benefits, and build an economy that works for everyone.

Laura Oatman (CA-48) decided to run for Congress in California’s 48th Congressional District, following a crushing 2016 election after regaining hope at her local Women’s March.  A licensed architect and small business owner, Oatman wants to retire Dana Rohrabacher and ensure Orange County plays a leading role in the battle for a cleaner environment, equality for women, and good paying jobs that don’t come at the expense of people or the planet.

Sam Jammal (CA-39) grew up in the communities of California’s 39th Congressional District as the son of immigrants from South America and the Middle East.  A veteran of the Obama administration, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF),  and, more recently Solar City and Tesla, Jammal believes that his 2018 election isn’t just about stopping Donald Trump.  Jamal believes flipping the 39th means building a progressive future by fighting to make sure workers get a raise and families can still afford the basics, like health care, housing and a secure retirement.

As someone who has built a career fighting for sustainable energy and environmental protection, it’s no surprise that Mike Levin (CA-49) has put the battle against climate change front and center in his campaign to flip California’s 49th District.  However, with deep roots in grassroots politics in Southern Orange County, Levin is well equipped to fight for big ideas like Medicare for All and confront Darrell Issa’s merciless attacks on Social Security and other earned benefits.

Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have raised and contributed more than $40 million and made more than 11.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 918 progressive candidates nationwide.

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