Democracy for America backs Zephyr Teachout in New York’s 19th Congressional District

Teachout is a national champion in the fight against corporate money in politics who became a grassroots hero following her strong 2014 primary challenge of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

DFA’s endorsement of Teachout brings with it a one-million member-strong grassroots army that has knocked hundreds of thousands of doors, made over 11 million phone calls, and raised and contributed more than $32.7 million to help elect 843 progressive candidates nationwide since 2004.

Statement from Democracy for America's Chair Jim Dean on today's endorsement of Teachout:

"Zephyr Teachout is an independent thinker with a proven track record of standing up to powerful interests and putting people first. She is a populist champion of good government who will fight for a more just and fair world that works for everyone." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

Statement from Zephyr Teachout on receiving DFA's grassroots endorsement:

“Grassroots power is the only way we’re going to change our corrupt politics and get the government we deserve. That’s what this campaign is about: engaging people to build a more robust democracy together. Whether it’s education, infrastructure, broadband, or the environment, I’m fighting to lift up the voices of people who feel cut off from the system. I will always put the public interest before the special interests.” -- Zephyr Teachout, Candidate, NY-19

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