Democracy for America endorses Jon Hoadley’s campaign to turn Michigan’s 6th blue

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Jon Hoadley in his fight against 17-term Republican incumbent Fred Upton in Michigan’s 6th Congressional District.

A three-term Michigan State Legislator, Jon Hoadley easily won DFA’s support in his first race for the Michigan State House in 2014. In Lansing, Hoadley has distinguished himself as a progressive champion who is ready to fight for equality, non-partisan redistricting reform, minimum wage increases, paid sick leave, and a host of reforms key to reducing money’s influence on politics.

In his race for Congress, Hoadley has pledged to fight for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, robust criminal justice reform, and voting rights.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots progressive group’s endorsement of Hoadley:

“Democracy for America is excited to support Jon Hoadley for Congress because we know he has the experience, grit, and firm commitment to bold progressive change that it takes to beat a 17-term incumbent like Fred Upton and deliver for Michigan’s working families.

 “A lifelong progressive changemaker, we know Jon will fight for big, bold progressive ideas, like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal in DC because we’ve seen him do just that in Lansing.

“We’re particularly passionate about Jon’s race because we know he’s running precisely the kind of community-centered, people-powered campaign that Democrats need to inspire the grassroots, bring out new voters, and open up conversations with unexpected allies ready for change.

“Jon Hoadly gets it. He understands the fights we need to wage, the stands progressives need to take, and the kind of coalition we need to build to defeat Fred Upton and flip Michigan’s 6th District blue.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Jon Hoadley on receiving DFA’s 2020 endorsement:

"Howard Dean's campaign for President was one of the first times I realized how powerful we are when we work together. Much like Dean's vision of a 50-state organizing strategy, the idea of organizing everywhere so all voices are included and advocating for policies that directly help people are core values of why I'm running for Congress.

"I'm deeply thankful for the support of DFA, and even in challenging times I know I can count on DFA members across the country to come together." -- Jon Hoadley, Candidate, Michigan’s 6th Congressional District

DFA has 3,656 members in Michigan's 6th Congressional District, 52,781 in the state of Michigan, and more than one million members nationwide.

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