Democracy for America endorses Regina Romero for Mayor of Tucson

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Regina Romero for Mayor of Tucson, AZ.

This is the second time DFA has backed Romero for elected office in Tucson. In 2015, DFA supported Romero in her successful Tucson City Council reelection campaign.

Romero is also the second of several mayoral endorsements that Democracy for America plans to make in 2019. In March, DFA-endorsed candidate Kate Gallego won her race for Mayor of Phoenix, AZ.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on today’s endorsement of Romero :

“Regina Romero is the true progressive in the race for Mayor of Tucson and we couldn’t be more excited to stand with her ahead of the Democratic Primary in August.

“With Donald Trump in the White House, it’s more important than ever to have unabashed progressive champions like Regina Romero standing up for what’s right in border communities like Tucson. As a member of the city council, Regina Romero led efforts to declare Tucson an ‘Immigrant Welcome City’ and prohibited contractors that helped build Trump’s racist border wall from getting city contracts.

“We’re honored to support Regina Romero for Mayor of Tucson because she knows that fighting for high-quality jobs, strong public transit, and the city’s deeply held progressive values are all core parts of the job, and we know she’ll deliver every single day.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Councilwoman Regina Romero on receiving DFA’s endorsement:

“I’m running for Mayor of Tucson to create a clean, just, safe city with economic opportunity for all families. Our campaign is a people-powered movement. Together, we can continue moving Tucson forward and bringing positive change to our City.

“As Mayor, I will take bold action to combat climate change with a citywide climate resiliency plan, unapologetically stand up for immigrant rights, fight tooth-and-nail for affordable housing, and ensure that everyone in our beautiful City has the chance to prosper. As a clean elections candidate, I will not take a cent of corporate PAC money and I will always be accountable to the people of my City – not special interest groups.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of such a progressive, grassroots coalition as Democracy for America. -- Councilwoman Regina Romero

DFA has 7,283 members in Tucson, 31,500 in the state of Arizona, and more than one million members nationwide.

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