DFA Backs Jessica Cisneros in TX-28 rematch

(Vermont) -- Ahead of the 2022 election cycle, Democracy for America (DFA) backs Jessica Cisneros’ rematch campaign against Rep. Henry Cuellar in Texas’ 28th Congressional District.

Immigration attorney and lifelong Texan, Cisneros came within striking distance of ousting seven-term corporate Democrat Cuellar in 2020 and is now ready to finish the job. DFA was an early supporter of Cisneros and is jumping in to support her rematch campaign as part of the group’s long-term strategy to Flip the South.

“Jessica Cisneros is tested, trusted, and a fearless progressive leader who will not back down from the monumental crises Americans are facing,” said Chief Political Officer, Chris Scott. “It seems like every day there are new headlines coming out of the Texas state legislature about Republicans attacking personal liberties – from access to abortion to the right to vote; quite frankly, the stakes are far too high to have Representatives at the federal level like Henry Cuellar, who are afraid to roll up their sleeves and make real change for our families.” Thank 

“The last thing Texans need after this year is more of the same. They need a relentless champion like Jessica Cisneros, who not only understands their struggles but also believes a better future is possible through a people-powered movement. Jessica has the momentum, the experience, and the progressive values to win this race, and DFA is more than ready to help her do it.”

“I am so proud to have the endorsement of Democracy for America because of our shared belief that democracy is best served when working-class people of color are fully integrated into the decision-making process," said Jessica Cisneros. “It is now more important than ever that the people of South Texas have a representative who reflects their stories, has shared their struggles, and is committed to fighting for working-class families. Henry Cuellar isn’t fighting for South Texas - he stopped fighting for us a long time ago and has chosen to prioritize corporate interests and his Republican donors over our community. South Texas deserves a representative who will fight for our dreams as hard as we do.”

DFA has 1,172 members in TX-28, 66,650 members in the state of Texas, and more than a million members nationwide.

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