Democracy for America endorses Mike Siegel for Congress in TX-10

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Mike Siegel in his fight to take on eight-term Republican incumbent Michael McCaul in Texas’ 10th Congressional District.

A former public school teacher and employment lawyer, Siegel came within inches of beating McCaul in the R+9 congressional district in 2018, and won the first round of the 2020 Democratic primary with 44% of the vote-- more than 11 percentage points over his nearest opponents.  Siegel supports Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, criminal justice reform, and a just immigration system.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots progressive group’s endorsement of Siegel:

“Democracy for America isn’t just endorsing Mike Siegel in Texas’ 10th District because he nearly beat his eight-term Republican opponent in 2018 or because he won the first round of the Democratic primary by more than 11 points.

While it's clear that Mike Siegel is well poised to turn Texas’ 10th blue, Democracy for America is endorsing Mike Siegel for Congress because we know that when he gets there he’ll be an unequivocal, progressive champion for working families in Texas. 

“Mike Siegel understands that the problems we face, from the tattered healthcare system that the COVID-19 crisis has exposed to the climate emergency that looms on the horizon. 

But even more importantly, Mike Siegel has seen those challenges and consistently advocated for the bold, progressive solutions we need to address them. That’s why Mike has been a fierce advocate in this campaign for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and robust reforms to our broken criminal justice and immigration systems, and that’s why we’re confident he’ll continue to fight for them in the U.S. House.

“Democracy for America is excited to stand with Mike Siegel in his race for Congress because he’s spent his life, in the classroom and the courtroom, fighting to make sure that everyone has a fair shot.  We know Mike has what it takes to turn Texas’ 10th blue and take that fight to DC. -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Mike Siegel on receiving DFA’s 2020 endorsement:

"Now more than ever, America needs progressive leaders who will fight for the people and against the corrupt status quo.

“Thank you, Democracy for America, for your endorsement and solidarity. We are fighting for a shared vision: universal healthcare through Medicare for All; a national jobs program and a Green New Deal; criminal justice reform and justice for immigrants; voting rights; LGBTQIA equality; equal opportunity. 

“The time has passed for asking; we are demanding real change NOW." -- Mike Siegel, Candidate, Texas’ 10th Congressional District

DFA has 3,804 members in Texas’ 10th Congressional District, 67,441 in the state of Texas, and more than one million members nationwide.

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