DFA statement on 41 Votes for Iran Deal
Statement from Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain's on today's big victory for diplomacy and the Iran deal.
"War hawks spent millions this August trying to kill the Iran deal, but a nationwide army of grassroots activists showed up at town hall meetings, made hundreds of thousands of calls to their members of Congress, and held countless actions lifting up the voices of the majority of Americans who don't want another misguided war in the Middle East.
"Today, despite the millions still being spent against them, the grassroots champions of diplomacy won.
"While we won't rest until the final votes are cast and the resolution of disapproval is dead and buried, the landmark 41 Senate votes we're counting today is a tremendous victory for the American people and the belief that our country has finally learned the lessons of our disastrous march to war in Iraq." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America.
Since the announcement of the Iran deal, DFA and a number of progressive allies have conducted numerous congressional calling efforts in support of the Iran Deal and launched 60DaysToStopAWar.com to help facilitate progressive turnout at Congressional town hall meetings over the August recess. DFA is a national political action group with 1 million members nationwide.