JULY 2019 DFA PULSE POLL RESULTS: Only Sanders, Warren, Harris in double digits

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) released the results of its third Presidential Pulse Poll of the 2020 election cycle that shows a contest that has rapidly shifted ahead of the second set of Democratic debates.

The grassroots poll has Bernie Sanders remaining in the lead, but shows Elizabeth Warren closing in on the dominate position he’s held in DFA’s first two surveys. It also features Kamala Harris leapfrogging into third over Joe Biden, who held on to the fourth place slot he had previously dropped to in April. Pete Buttigieg, who vaulted into third place in DFA’s April poll, has seen the energy behind him fade dropping him to sixth.

Top five results from the DFA poll:

  • Bernie Sanders, 32.2%
  • Elizabeth Warren, 25.8%
  • Kamala Harris, 11.8%
  • Joe Biden, 9.5%
  • Andrew Yang, 6.61%

See the full results here: http://poll.democracyforamerica.com/results

July 2019 DFA Presidential Pulse Poll analysis memo here: https:s3.amazonaws.com/actionkit.democracyforamerica/images/MEMO__July_2019_Presidential_Pulse_Poll_Memo_FINAL.pdf

The poll, which began immediately following the June 27th debate through midnight (ET) Wednesday, July 17th, is the third DFA has conducted of its membership regarding the 2020 presidential election. DFA’s first 2020 Presidential Pulse Poll was conducted in December 2018 and a second was completed in April 2019.

Democracy for America Chair Charles Chamberlain on DFA’s June 2019 Presidential Pulse Poll results:

“The last three months have transformed the 2020 Democratic race for President and these results make it clear that Democracy for America members’ support is solidifying behind three candidates committed to bold, inclusive populism and structural reform.

“Going into the second debate, there's little doubt that Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris have momentum building behind them. As Bernie Sanders continues in his position as the progressive front runner, we’re very interested to see if he uses this debate and the all-important month of August to build up from his robust base of support or cedes ground to the rising challenges of Senators Warren and Harris."

“While a lot will change between today and the first contests next year, after seeing these results, there is no doubt that, in 2020, Democrats are better positioned to nominate an unapologetic champion for progressive values for President than we’ve been in decades.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Chair, Democracy for America

Ahead of 2020, DFA is committed to pressuring presidential candidates to be progressive leaders, providing opportunities for those running on inclusive populism to connect with its members, and conducting multiple Presidential Pulse Polls prior to any potential endorsement vote.

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