VICTORY: DFA hails Mike Levin (CA-49) successful flip of Darrell Issa’s House seat
Mike Levin just won his race for Congress in California's 49th Congressional District -- a long-held Republican stronghold currently represented by longtime Democratic bête noire Darrell Issa.
Democracy for America backed Levin early in his Democratic Primary in December 2017.
DFA's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain on Mike Levin's huge victory in California's 49th District:
"From the very start, Mike Levin ran a campaign focused on a bold, inclusive populist agenda and committed to earning the support of the New American Majority of Black, brown, and progressive white voters that are transforming California's 49th District.
"Mike Levin's victory tonight is a testament to the unabashedly progressive vision he put forward throughout this campaign and the thousands of grassroots activists who turned the despair they felt in 2016 into a people-powered movement that forced Darrell Issa's retirement and now has replaced him with a leader committed to fighting for Medicare for All, robust gun violence prevention legislation, and real action on climate change.
"Democracy for America was honored to endorse Mike Levin early in his campaign and we can't wait to continue fighting alongside him as Democrats take the majority in the House." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America