Democracy for America endorses Cal Cunningham for U.S. Senate in North Carolina

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Cal Cunningham for U.S. Senate in North Carolina.

The endorsement of Cunningham is part of DFA’s 2020 “Flip the Senate” strategy, which aims to (a) hold Senate Republicans accountable for the role they played in helping cover up Donald Trump’s White House crimes and (b) end Republican control of a body that could halt inclusive populist reform, even with a Democrat in the White House.

To take the majority in the U.S. Senate, Democrats need to gain just four additional seats and Cunningham is the sixth 2020 candidate to receive DFA’s endorsement. Prior to today, the grassroots progressive group has endorsed U.S Senate candidates Teresa Tomlinson and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Georgia, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Jamie Harrison in South Carolina, and Betsy Sweet in Maine.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots group’s endorsements of Cunningham for U.S. Senate in North Carolina:

“Cal Cunningham wants to go to Washington to fight for North Carolina’s working families and that’s why Democracy for America is excited to back him for the U.S. Senate.

“While Tom Tillis has worked to gut Obamacare to please his pharmaceutical industry financiers, Cal Cunningham believes that quality healthcare is a right and he’s committed to standing up and taking on the wealthy and powerful interests who profit from exploding premiums, co-pays, and prescription drug costs.

“While all eyes are focused on the battle for the White House, it’s the makeup of the U.S. Senate that will decide whether we remain locked in our current right-wing death spiral or have a Congress that’s capable of moving the ball down the field in the battle for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and criminal justice reform.

“North Carolina is a key battleground in the fight to flip the U.S. Senate in 2020 and we’re honored to work with Cal Cunningham in this race to end Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s stranglehold on progress.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

DFA has 39,144 members in North Carolina and more than one million members nationwide.

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