Democracy for America endorses Tomlinson, Warnock for U.S. Senate in Georgia

Today, just days after the conclusion of the sham impeachment trial, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsements of Teresa Tomlinson and Rev. Raphael Warnock for Georgia’s two 2020 U.S. Senate races.

The endorsements of Tomlinson and Warnock are part of DFA’s 2020 “Flip the Senate” strategy, which aims to (a) hold Senate Republicans accountable for the role they played in helping cover up Donald Trump’s White House crimes and (b) end Republican control of a body that could halt inclusive populist reform even with a Democrat in the White House.

To take the majority in the U.S. Senate, Democrats need to gain just four additional seats. DFA also endorsed Theresa Greenfield in the U.S. Senate race in Iowa today. Earlier this cycle, DFA endorsed Jamie Harrison and Betsy Sweet in their seat-flipping U.S. Senate races in South Carolina and Maine, respectively.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots group’s endorsements of Tomlinson and Warnock for U.S. Senate in Georgia:

“Georgia is on the leading edge of the generational political transformation that’s beginning to take place all across the South, and Teresa Tomlinson and Rev. Raphael Warnock are the two candidates best equipped to deliver on those calls for change in Georgia’s two U.S. Senate races this year.

After the absurd conclusion of last week’s sham impeachment trial, it’s more clear now than ever that Georgian’s need U.S. Senators committed to standing up for the rule of law, fighting for justice, and delivering for working families -- not the band of criminals in the White House.

“As Mayor of Columbus, GA, Theresa Tomlinson has led one of the best-run cities in America and, in the U.S. Senate, she’ll help correct the crisis of leadership and aversion to accountability in Washington D.C.

“Similarly, Rev. Raphael Warnock has been a leader in the fight for social, racial, and economic justice ever since he started preaching from the pulpit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Ebenezer Baptist in Atlanta. In the U.S. Senate, we know he’ll continue to model his commitment to service and fight for an America where every family has the ability to thrive.

“While the battle for the White House grabs the headlines, it’s the makeup of the U.S. Senate that will decide whether we remain locked in a right-wing death spiral or have a Congress that’s willing to work with a progressive president to move towards Medicare for All, make a Green New Deal, and reform our broken criminal justice system.

“At Democracy for America, we believe the fight to flip the U.S. Senate in 2020 runs through Georgia and the campaigns of grassroots leaders like Theresa Tomlinson and Rev. Raphael Warnock. We couldn’t be more excited to stand with them.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Teresa Tomlinson on the receiving DFA’s endorsement:

"We are honored to receive the endorsement of Democracy for America. Our people-powered campaign here in Georgia is ready to join DFA in fighting for the kind of change its members have pushed for nationwide." -- Teresa Tomlinson

Statement from Rev. Raphael Warnock on the receiving DFA’s endorsement:

“Our fight to expand health care coverage, ensure quality education for our children no matter their neighborhood, and protect the dignity of working people will only succeed if it is truly people-driven, which is why I am proud to have DFA’s support.

“My path from public housing to the pulpit shouldn’t be harder for today’s generation. As a Senator, I will continue to focus on the issues that matter most, helping make the path to success easier for all Georgians.” -- Rev. Raphael Warnock

Democracy for America members were early supporters of Stacey Abrams 2018 gubernatorial campaign -- organizing support for her prior to her official entrance into the race, endorsing her campaign shortly after its launch, and raising more than $258,000 for her over the course of her race.

DFA has 22,168 members in Georgia, and more than one million members nationwide.

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