Daniela Silva
City Council, Austin District 3
I’m running for Austin City Council because working-class residents like me are increasingly at risk of being displaced due to gentrification and sky-rocketing rent prices. Extreme weather crises fueled by climate change are becoming the norm, with the most vulnerable and least resourced communities facing unbearable living conditions. Our unhoused neighbors are in dire need of support with real solutions like mental health services and long-term supportive housing. And our district severely lacks healthy food accessibility, healthcare centers, and childcare resources.
I love this city so much, but sometimes it feels like it doesn’t love me and people like me. I want to change that by playing a role in co-creating the future of Austin - one in which all residents feel safe, stable, and secure regardless of race, gender, age, financial stability, immigration status, or language preference. I want to provide an intentional, out-of-the-box, courageous, data-driven and heart-centered perspective that is needed to make Austin a city that gives everyone a sense of belonging. This city has the potential to be a city unlike any other - one that both embraces change and innovation as much as its rich historic culture that has existed here for generations. That is an Austin that I believe in and is the reason I am running for City Council in District 3.