Ilhan Omar

U.S. House, MN-05

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As a Somalian refugee, Ilhan Omar represents a powerful and fast-growing segment of the American populace that is working to break down existing racial and social barriers. In 2016, Ilhan became the first Somali-American to serve in the Minnesota House of Representatives and currently serves as the Assistant Minority Leader. Ilhan is looking to make history yet again as she seeks to become the first Somali-American elected to Congress as she runs to carry on the progressive legacy–of past congressional leaders in the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota.

Ilhan’s passion for public service is rooted in the principle that public officials have the duty to represent the collective voices of their communities and uplift the voices of the marginalized. Ilhan has a special ability to inspire and engage people in the political process and is committed to finding common ground those who disagree with her.

Ilhan’s commitment to progressive ideals and organizing is evident in her work in the Minnesota state legislature; she has represented her constituents by challenging status quo politics to combat the struggle of working families, the busting of unions, and the mass incarceration of people of color.

Ilhan Omar is running re-election in the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota to resist those that seek to divide with the politics of fear and scarcity and bring forth her committed approach to effective leadership through bipartisan work in Congress.

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