Diana Becton

District Attorney, Contra Costa County

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I am a native of California and a product of Oakland public schools and a graduate of Golden Gate University School of Law. Most recently, District Attorney Becton earned a Masters of Theological Studies at Pacific School of Religion (2015).

I have spent most of my professional career as a judge, lawyer, and manager. On September 17, 2017, I was sworn in as the 25th District Attorney for the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office. Today, I lead a prosecutorial office of approximately 200 lawyers, investigators, and staff. I am the first woman and the first African-American to serve as Contra Costa District Attorney since the office was established in 1850.

Before holding office, I served for 22 years as a judge in Contra Costa County, where I was elected as Presiding Judge. I am the Immediate Past President of the National Association of Women Judges, the nation’s leading voice for women in the judiciary and I currently serve as the Chair of the State Bar Council on Access and Fairness.

When I ran for Contra Costa County District Attorney, I promised to be tough and smart on crime, and to develop strategies to reduce mass incarceration, and to reform an office that for too long prioritized practices that led to significant racial disparities and outcomes in our justice system.

Our broken justice system can’t be repaired in four (4) years. My top priorities going forward with re-election will be to continue to fight for a more equitable and fair justice system, as we fight for safe communities and continue to support victims. My priorities will include enhancing our re-sentencing unit as we continue to review old draconian sentences that are no longer in the interest of justice, increasing justice alternatives for juveniles and young adults, expanding alternatives to incarceration, increasing access and data and transparency, and reducing racial disparities in the justice system.

Since becoming Contra Costa District Attorney by appointment in 2017 and being elected in 2018 I have led through courage and conviction to create a better and fairer criminal justice system. I take my office’s role in reducing mass incarceration very seriously. My priorities have been and will always be enhancing our re-sentencing unit as we continue to review old draconian sentences that are no longer in the interest of justice, increasing justice alternatives for juveniles and young adults, expanding alternatives to incarceration, increasing access and data and transparency, and reducing racial disparities in the justice system.

At the same time I have also held corporate polluters accountable, created the first ever human trafficking task force in the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office, and led the charge to close the rape kit backlog and created systems to ensure that backlog will never happen again.

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