Aldon Hynes

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for

America (DFA), endorsed Aldon Hynes for Connecticuts General Assembly

(CT-114). Hynes, a DFA member and

activist, currently works for a community health center and understands the

needs of the 114th Assembly District.

"Aldon is as committed as anyone that I know to

providing all Connecticut residents with affordable healthcare,said Jim Dean, Chair

of DFA.Hes seen firsthand what our community needs are

and understands why the insurance industry is bleeding us to death literally. Connecticut needs someone like Aldon fighting

for the uninsured, fighting for middle class values, and keeping Hartfords

politicians transparent. "I am thrilled that

Democracy for America has endorsed my campaign for State Assembly. My wife and I have been involved with DFA

since its inception. In these days when

secretive billionaires are contributing millions to sway our elections, the

kind of grassroots campaigning DFA supports is more important than ever."



DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action

Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots

powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the


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