Betty Sutton Endorsement

Democracy for America Endorses Betty Sutton for Congress (OH-16)

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America (DFA), endorsed Betty Sutton for Congress. Rep. Sutton, who has served since 2007, has a long history speaking up and fighting for her constituents. "Betty has always been a strong advocate for working families and the middle class in the state of Ohio,said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA.She believes the best is yet to come for the state and we can do more to get Ohioans back to work. Not only does she stand up to the bullies on Wall Street, but she's also a staunch advocate for Ohios seniors, veterans and women.

Rep. Sutton is a tenacious voice against corporate greed and Wall Street bailouts. She was a key House architect in the American Clean Energy and Security Act, sponsored the Protect Consumers Act of 2009, the Disability Equity Act, and co-sponsored the Lily Ledbetter Act. I am proud to accept the endorsement of DFA and its members, who have fought so hard on behalf of working people across our country,said Rep. Betty Sutton. Ohio voters have a clear choice in this election, and I know when they go to the polls they will reject the policies that only benefit those at the top while harming our working families, seniors and veterans. While my opponent may have Washington insiders and special interests pouring money into his campaign, I know with the great men and women of DFA by my side, I will win in November.


ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for Americais the people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide,DFAis a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

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