BREAKING: Democracy for America endorses Lucy Flores for Congress (NV- 4)

BREAKING: Democracy for America endorses Lucy Flores for Congress (NV- 4) 

Burlington, Vt. – This morning, Democracy for America announced its endorsement of progressive champion Lucy Flores in her race for Nevada’s 4th Congressional district.

DFA is a people powered Political Action Committee with 1 million members nationwide, including more than 7,450 in Nevada.

Full endorsement email that’ll be sent to DFA members, below. 

If helpful, here’s an additional quote from DFA Chair Jim Dean on the national progressive organization’s endorsement of Flores:

“From fighting to raise the minimum wage to protecting worker retirement plans and striving to make healthcare more affordable, Lucy has dedicated her career to combating the income inequality that’s crushing too many Nevada families.

“Lucy is the kind of dedicated progressive leader Nevada working families deserve to have standing up for them in Congress.  

“Over the next eighteen months, Democracy for America members in the Silver State and across the country are looking forward to knocking every door and making every phone call we can to help send Lucy to Washington so she can continue her fight for populist progressive priorities like debt-free college, Social Security expansion, and real accountability for Wall Street crooks.” – Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have raised and contributed more than $32.7 million and made more than 10.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 831 progressive candidates nationwide.


DFA Member --

Of all the Republicans who rode the wave into office in 2014, there's nobody more extreme than Nevada Congressman Cresent Hardy.

He's the one who called disabled children "a drain on society" last month. Before that, he expressed sympathy with Cliven Bundy and his friends who drew guns on federal officials. Cresent Hardy even said Mitt Romney was right to make his infamous remark about "the 47%" -- and that was just last year.

Cresent Hardy narrowly won election in 2014. With stronger Democratic turnout in 2016, we can send this far-right radical packing. We need to make sure his replacement is a strong progressive champion. That candidate is Lucy Flores.

Will you join DFA in supporting Lucy Flores for Congress? Chip in $3 or more to support her campaign today.

Lucy Flores is a champion for the people of Nevada. DFA is proud to endorse Lucy Flores for Nevada's Fourth Congressional District because she will ensure everyday Americans and Nevadans have a fierce champion who will fight to make college affordable, protect Social Security, and hold Wall Street crooks accountable.

Here's one important example of why Lucy Flores is the right Democrat to take on Cresent Hardy. She was the only Democratic candidate in the race to speak out against Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. When a crowded primary field stayed quiet, she asked her supporters to join her in opposing Fast Track during the House debate. That shows she's the kind of progressive ally who will stand with us when we need her help.

Lucy Flores is a trailblazer who has lived the American Dream. She was the first to attend college in her family, and was one of the first Latinas elected to the Nevada legislature. She has the experience in life and in office to be a progressive leader in Congress.

Cresent Hardy has to go -- and we need to make sure that a strong progressive replaces him. Chip in $3 or more today to support Lucy Flores for Congress.

Thank you for helping a great progressive.

- Jim

Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America

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