BREAKING: Democracy for America endorses Senator Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate

May 14, 2015

Democracy for America endorses Senator Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- This morning, Democracy for America announced its endorsement of Senator Russ Feingold following the progressive champion’s decision to mount a 2016 bid to return to his U.S. Senate seat in Wisconsin.

Full endorsement email that was sent to DFA members, below.

If helpful, here’s an additional quote from DFA Chair Jim Dean on the national progressive organization’s endorsement of Feingold:

“From his valiant battle for campaign finance reform to his bold stand against the PATRIOT act, Senator Russ Feingold is precisely the kind of fighter and truth-teller our country needs in the U.S. Senate.

“Over the next nineteen months, Democracy for America members in the Badger State and across the country will knock on every door, make every phone call, and raise every cent we can to return Russ to the U.S. Senate where he can continue his courageous fight for Wisconsin working families.”  -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

Founded in 2004, DFA is a people-powered PAC with 1 million members and nearly 28,000 members in Wisconsin.   

Over the last 11 years, DFA members who have raised and contributed more than $32.7 million and made more than 10.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 831 progressive candidates nationwide.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Jim Dean <>
Date: Fri, May 15, 2015 at 12:06 PM
Subject: HUGE NEWS: Russ Feingold is back! And he's running for...

I have big news for you: Russ Feingold is back! He's running for Senate in Wisconsin and ready to take on the wealthy and the powerful. Below is his campaign announcement message, showing how he plans to win the support of the people of Wisconsin in this critical race.

When he was in the U.S. Senate, Russ was one of our country's most inspiring progressive champions. Who can forget the prescient and courageous vote he cast against the Patriot Act in 2001 -- the only Senator to stand against it in a 98-1 landslide. As he joked years later, "I took a very unusual step. I read the bill."

From fighting to get corporate money out of politics (remember "McCain/Feingold"?) to his gutsy vote against the Iraq War, Russ did the right thing even when it wasn't what pollsters told him to do.

Unfortunately, Russ lost a very close election to a Tea Party candidate in that terrible election of 2010. He's back for a rematch, and in a presidential year, I'm confident he can win. But he can't do it without the help of DFA members like you.

Will you send Russ Feingold back to the Senate? Click here to watch his announcement video and chip in $3 or more to help him win.

Thank you for standing with DFA in support of Russ Feingold.

- Jim

Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America


Across Wisconsin, people tell me all the time: Our politics in Washington are broken, and multi-millionaires, billionaires, and big corporations are calling all the shots.

Wisconsinites are tired of it, but no one says they want to throw in the towel. And I don't either.

But if we want to change our politics, we all have to fight together. So let me cut to the chase:

I'm running for United States Senate in Wisconsin, and I wanted you to be one of the first to know. 

Click here to watch my announcement video -- and tell me you're in this, too.

You've probably heard that I know Wisconsin like the back of my hand.

That's because I've spent my career in public service listening to and fighting for the people of Wisconsin. I've visited all of Wisconsin's 72 counties more times than I can count, and I'll be traveling to every corner of the state during this campaign to hear the concerns and ideas of all Wisconsinites.

Here are a few things I've already heard:

  • You want elected officials that work with you and listen to everyone's concerns and ideas -- not just those of a select few. 
  • You want a public servant who shares the optimism of Wisconsin and will work to expand opportunities for every family -- not lecture them about everything our country can't do. 
  • You want to be represented by a fighter who will speak truth to power and always do what he or she thinks is right, regardless of what Washington, D.C.'s powerful special interests and lobbyists say.

As I hit the road from my home in Middleton in the weeks ahead, I look forward to hearing much more from my fellow Wisconsinites.

But to build this campaign, I'll need your help, right from the beginning.

Click here to watch my announcement video -- and tell me you're in this, too.

I love Wisconsin. I love the spirit of the people here and the beautiful state we all cherish.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I know that, together, we can make great things possible again.


Russ Feingold

P.S. We're going to need to build a strong grassroots campaign to win next November, powered by support from all across Wisconsin and the country. So I hope you'll forward this email to your friends and

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