BREAKING (MD-SEN): Democracy for America, EMILY’s List cheer early Edwards polling lead

Earlier this morning, new polling showed Donna Edwards possessing an early lead in Maryland's Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.

Democracy for America (DFA) and EMILY's List released statements this morning cheering the exciting new polling results. DFA and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee helped successfully draft Edwards into the Maryland Senate Race earlier this year.

Statement from DFA Executive Director Charles Chamberlain:

"Donna Edwards stands out in this early polling because she presents Marylanders with a unique opportunity to send a leader to the U.S. Senate with the perspective of an African-American woman and proven experience fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with grassroots progressives for big ideas like expanding Social Security." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

Statement from EMILY's List Executive Director Jessica O'Connell:

“Donna Edwards has taken an early lead because she understands the problems Maryland women and families can’t afford to ignore like gender discrimination in pay, our country’s lack of family-friendly workplace policies, and women’s access to health care,” said EMILY’s List Executive Director Jessica O’Connell. “Today, there are no African American women in the United States Senate, and Maryland needs Donna’s unique and important perspective as a single African American mom at the table. The EMILY’s List community of over three million members is committed to keeping this seat in the hands of a progressive Democratic woman and is proud to continue supporting Donna Edwards’ campaign for U.S. Senate.”

Key facts about DFA and EMILY's List:

  • Democracy for America is a national progressive political action committee with more than 20,380 members in Maryland and one million members nationwide. Since 2004, DFA members have raised and contributed nearly $43 million and made more than 10.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 831 progressive candidates nationwide.

  • EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has raised over $400 million to support pro-choice Democratic women candidates – making it one of the most successful political organizations ever. We recruit and train candidates, support strong campaigns, research women's issues, and turn out women voters. We've trained over 9,000 women to run and helped elect over 100 women to the House, 19 to the Senate, 11 governors, and over 700 to state and local office. Since its founding in 1985, almost one-third of the candidates EMILY’s List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color - including every single Latina, African American, and Asian American Democratic congresswoman currently serving.
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