BREAKING - POLL: Opposition to TPP, Fast Track is trouble for Sen. Portman

NEW POLL: Opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership, Fast Track authority could pose reelection risk to Senator Rob Portman

BURLINGTON, VT -  According to the new polling, Ohio’s U.S. Senator Rob Portman could face huge risks in his 2016 reelection fight if he votes for so-called “Fast Track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and/or the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The findings of the poll, c/]'onducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) on behalf of Democracy for America, can be found here:

In the past, Senator Portman, has spoken positively about the push for Fast Track authority and the TPP.  Portman’s two major 2016 Democratic challengers, Former Governor Ted Strickland and Cincinnati City Councilman  P.G. Sittenfeld, have both spoken out against the TPP.

Key findings from the new DFA poll:

  • More than two-thirds of all Ohioans (67%) would be less likely to vote for Portman in 2016 if he votes for Fast Track authority and the TPP.

    • Most importantly, a vote for Fast Track Authority and the TPP would hurt Portman most with Republicans (70%) and Independents (73%)

    • Republicans (71%)  and Independents (65%) in Ohio are even more likely to vote for a U.S. Senate candidate who opposes Fast Track authority and the TPP than Democrats (54%).

  • A startling 71% of Ohioans oppose giving the president the authority to ram trade deals through Congress without broad public debate or amendments  -- and those numbers are even worse among Republicans (75%) and Independents (78%).

  • Even after being exposed to the best arguments both for and against Fast Track authority and the NAFTA-style TPP, 54% of Ohio Republicans and 58% of Ohio Independents stood with those opposing the agreement.

Quote, if helpful:

“By working to pass Fast Track authority for the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, Senator Rob Portman would be risking his own Senate seat almost as much as he is threatening the livelihoods of the people of Ohio.

“Ohioans know what a disaster NAFTA-style trade deals have been for their state and, if Senator Portman supports and promotes  another disastrous trade deal, we’ll relish the opportunity to end his career in Washington.”. -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

Additional Information about Democracy for America (DFA):

  • DFA has a national progressive political action committee with 30,496 members in Ohio and 1 million members nationwide.

  • Founded by Gov. Howard Dean, Democracy for America is a people-powered PAC with 1 million members who have raised and contributed more than $32.7 million and made more than 10.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 831 progressive candidates nationwide.


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