BREAKING: TAA defeated in the House. Progressives win big.

Reaction to progressives' big victory over Medicare-cutting Trade Adjustment Assistance, Fast Track, and the future of the fight against the TPP from Democracy for America:
"While the failure of theMedicare-cutting Trade Adjustment Assistance is a big victory for the army of grassroots activists who have steadfastly opposed Fast Track and the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, we're under no illusion that this is the end of the fight.

"The American people don't want another NAFTA-style trade deal that will only make it easier to ship more jobs overseas, sell tainted food in our supermarkets, and challenge our laws in foreign tribunals.

"We know the legions of corporate executives and industry lobbyists who are pushing the job-killing TPP won't stop after today's loss and, they should know, neither will we. 
"The hundreds of thousands of hardened, grassroots activists who have been brought together by the fight against this job-killing trade deal will not rest until the TPP and Fast Track are dead, buried, and covered in six-inches of concrete." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America 

Information about Democracy for America and the fight against Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership:

Neil Sroka
Communications Director, Democracy for America
mobile: 847-219-8491
landline: 802-651-3218
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