Chris Murphy Endorsement

Jim Dean, Chair: Hes a realchampion of the values we fight for. Burlington, VT Today,Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Chris Murphy for Connecticuts open Senateseat. Murphy, a longtime advocate for the people of Connecticut hasserved the states 5th Congressional District since 2007. Chris Murphy is a real champion for the valuesthat we fight for,Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America, said.Hes fought for health care reform so that every family can receive affordablecoverage because he believes health care is a right, not a privilege. Chris has been an outspoken advocateprotecting Social Security and Medicare for working families who workhard and play by the rules. We needChris courage and commitment to fight for our values in Washington, and thatswhy DFA is proud to endorse his campaign to represent all of Connecticut in the U.S. Senate. Im honored to receive the endorsement ofDemocracy for America. With the support of DFA and their energized group ofsupporters, my campaign can keep up the fight to level the playing field formiddle class families, create jobs, and protect womens rights, said Chris Murphy, candidate for U.S Senatefrom Connecticut. My opponent wants to hand out tax breaks tomillionaires and billionaires, sending the message that our democracy is forsale to the highest bidder. But this Senate seat is not for sale. It belongs tothe hardworking people of Connecticut and they deserve a candidate who willwork tirelessly to preserve a womans right to choose, protect Social Securityand Medicare, limit corporations role in campaigns, and ensure access to highquality, affordable health care for all." ABOUTDEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political ActionCommittee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassrootspowerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from thebottom-up. Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate.
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