Dean Dozen Round # 1

DFA awards Six candidates with firstround of Dean Dozen title

Burlington, VT

Today, Democracy for America (DFA), unveiledits first six of 12 key candidates the organization will focus on in the 2012election cycle to give progressives a chance to win back Congress. The candidates unveiled to take back the Houseof Representatives include Kathy Boockvar (PA-08), Jose Hernandez (CA-10),Shelli Yoder (IN-09), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), and Joe Miklosi (CO-06). Martin Heinrich(D-NM) is currently the only Senatecandidate who is a member of the Dean Dozen. The Dean Dozen is the highest tierendorsement for which only 12 candidates will receive the title and all thetitle entails.

Each campaign was extensively vetted by Democracy for Americas politicalstaff, in an effort to gain a better understanding and insight to whether eachcandidate being considered has what it takes to win in November.

These six candidates are the progressive movements best chance attaking back Congress, said Jim Dean,Chair of Democracy for America. Each one represents the vision and moralcharacter that we need to put this nation back on track - economic stability,job creation, and bringing life back to each of their communities is whatsmost important in this cycle. Ourmembers are incredibly involved with these campaigns on a local level andtheyre ready to give whatever it takes to win in November.

Since 2004 DFA has worked to identify 12 strong progressivecandidates who have what it takes to win and are committed to moving theprogressive agenda forward, saidGovernor Howard Dean. The focus on candidates in these key Congressionalraces sends a clear signal that it is time to end the extreme right-wingstronghold that has blocked the progressive agenda at every turn.

For each candidate to receive the titleof Dean Dozen of 2012, DFA commits to;

A cross-endorsement from Democracy for America Founder, Governor

Howard Dean,

A commitment to raise an additional $20,000 in small donations from

our national membership,

A contribution of $5,000 in financial and in-kind support from

Democracy for America PAC over the course of the campaign, and

Campaign Priority inour our Call Out the Vote tool, where DFA members make tens of thousands ofcalls to voters in a given day.

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