Democracy for America backs Regina Romero for Tucson City Council
September 2, 2015
Contact: Omer Farooque, [email protected], 262-391-2653
BREAKING: Democracy for America backs Regina Romero for Tucson City Council
Burlington, Vt. – This morning, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of progressive champion Councilwoman Regina Romero for Tucson City Council.
Founded by Governor Howard Dean, DFA is a national, people-powered Political Action Committee with 1 million members across the country, including 21,940 in Arizona.
Full endorsement email that’ll be sent to DFA members, below.
Quote from DFA Chair Jim Dean on the national progressive organization’s endorsement of Romero:
“As the first Latina elected to Tucson’s City Council, Regina Romero has taken growing income inequality head on by fighting to open the doors of economic opportunity for all of Tucson’s working families through sensible redevelopment projects and enhanced transportation options in the downtown area.
“Regina is precisely the kind of fearless progressive leader our country needs and, in the weeks ahead, Democracy for America members in Arizona and across the country will proudly do as much as we can to help her continue her fight for Tucson.” – Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America
Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have raised and contributed more than $32.7 million and made more than 10.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 831 progressive candidates nationwide.
Romero's endorsement is also part of DFA's ongoing effort to build a more reflective democracy by investing in progressive champions at the city level with a proven commitment to economic and racial justice.
From: "Jim Dean" <[email protected]>
Subject: TUCSON: A fearless progressive leader for City Council
Date: September 1, 2015 at 2:01:51 PM PDTDFA Member --
When the right-wing extremists who run the Arizona Legislature attacked immigrants, Latinos, and other working people, many fought back. One of the leaders in standing up to the Republican legislature is Tucson's own Regina Romero.
Romero led the way on the Tucson City Council in pushing back against SB 1070. She helped stop local police from asking for the immigration status of crime victims, witnesses, and even children in schools -- protecting families from being broken up and deported.
As the first Latina elected to Tucson's City Council, Regina Romero has taken income inequality head on by fighting to open the doors of economic opportunity for all Tucson's working families through sensible redevelopment projects and enhanced transportation options in the downtown area. She supports overturning the legislature's ban on local living wage laws.
Regina Romero is precisely the kind of fearless progressive leader our country needs. In the weeks ahead, she'll need Democracy for America members like you to help her continue her fight for Tucson.
Her opponents are already coming after her with everything they've got. You might have seen their billboards in Tucson, funded by a right-wing group that doesn't like southern Arizona's history of independent, progressive thinking.
We've already seen the damage that the far right can do to Arizona. DFA is standing with Regina Romero as she fights back on behalf of the working people and the local businesses of Tucson. Will you help her win this fall?
Sign up today to support Regina Romero, DFA's endorsed candidate for the Tucson City Council.
Thank you for supporting a fearless leader for Tucson.
- Jim
Jim Dean, Chair Democracy for America