Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean to Speak at DemocracyFest this Weekend with Senator John Edward

Bedford, NH This weekend Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America, will speak at the 4th Annual DemocracyFest at the Wayfarer Inn in Bedford, New Hampshire. DemocracyFest seeks to engage residents from across the country under the theme of Potluck Politics: The Art of Participatory Democracy. Hundreds of ordinary citizens will explore opportunities to gain political influence while networking with others looking to take responsibility and claim ownership of their government during the entire weekend of June 9-10th. New Hampshire was selected as the host with regard to the states prominence in the Democratic presidential primary. Presidential Candidate Senator John Edwards and Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean are also scheduled to speak. In addition, Democracy for America will offer a special campaign training on Saturday. Who: Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America What: DemocracyFest educates progressive activists on taking more ownership over our government and making electoral gains on local, state and national levels. When: Saturday, June 9 at 10:15am & Sunday, June 10 at 10:15am Where: The Wayfarer Inn 121 South River Road Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 603-622-3766 To find more information, visit or contact Sheri Divers at 802-651-3200, ext. 148 or [email protected] Democracy for America, which was founded by Governor Howard Dean in 2004, is a political action committee dedicated to campaign training, grassroots activism and supporting progressive candidates with a backbone at all levels of governmentfrom the school board to the Presidency. DFA is empowering everyday Americans to reform their political system.
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