Democracy for America Delivers 7,742 Health Care Horror Stories to Congress

Democracy for America (DFA) is conducting the Health Care for America campaign in partnership with filmmaker Michael Moore. Thousands of DFA members are delivering 7,742 health care horror stories to their Members of Congress in 319 districts across America on Wednesday, August 29, 2007. This is more than three quarters of the U. S. House of Representatives.

This health care horror story delivery is a culmination of health care forums held by DFA members in their local communities across the country. Last week, members called their Governors asking them to stand against President Bushs attempt to make cuts to the State Childrens Health Program. DFA activists placed over 2,700 calls.

Democracy for America, which was founded by Governor Howard Dean in 2004, is a political action committee dedicated to campaign training, grassroots activism and supporting progressive candidates with a backbone at all levels of governmentfrom the School Board to the Presidency. DFA is empowering everyday Americans to reform their political system.

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