Democracy for America endorses Cary Moon for Seattle Mayor
Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Cary Moon in the hotly contested race for Mayor of Seattle, WA.
DFA’s support for Moon is part of a 2017-18 organizational initiative to invest $500,000 in municipal races across the country that the Associated Press recently described as an attempt “turn the Trump resistance movement into tangible victories.”
In the past, DFA has helped elect progressive leaders to municipal leadership across the country, including Mayor Michael Tubbs of Stockton (CA), Vice Mayor Regina Romero of Tucson, Illinois’ Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, and City Councillor Helen Gym of Philadelphia. In 2015, DFA endorsed Lisa Herbold, Mike O’Brien, Kshama Sawant, and Lorena Gonzalez in their successful campaigns for the Seattle City Council.
Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean on the endorsement of Cary Moon for Seattle Mayor:
“Democracy for America is excited to support Cary Moon for Mayor because she has the vision and experience needed to address Seattle’s urgent needs. She understands how city government works better than almost anyone else in town, and has a detailed vision for how to work with everyone in Seattle to take on white supremacy, economic inequality, and corporate power.
“Over the last decade, Seattle has become a national leader in the fight for progressive policies and priorities. Electing Cary Moon mayor gives Seattle an opportunity to make it clear that it’s doubling down on that populist progressive leadership -- something that could not be more important in the wake of Donald Trump’s election.” -- Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America
DFA has over 75,600 members in the state of Washington.
Moon is a community activist, engineer, and urban planner, who built her reputation as a community fighter by successfully battling to reclaim land and build civic space on Seattle’s waterfront. As mayor, she’s looking use her experience bringing people together to get big things done to tackle chronic challenges facing Seattle like housing affordability, transit, and racial inequity.
Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have raised and contributed more than $40 million and made more than 11.1 million volunteer calls to help successfully elect 915 progressive candidates nationwide.