Released On: December 20, 2007 BURLINGTON, VT

Democracy for America, our nation's largest progressive political action organization, has endorsed Darcy Burner's campaign to represent Washington's Eighth Congressional District.

"Darcy Burner is a strong, pragmatic progressive and Democracy for America is proud to endorse her campaign for Congress," said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. "Ms. Burner's opponent has stood in lockstep with President Bush on the War in Iraq and has shown zero leadership in tackling the major issues of concern to the residents of the Eighth District. Darcy Burner is a change agent who has the determination to fight for real, common sense solutions to the growing litany of problems our nation faces."

Darcy Burner started out with next to nothing, but learned the values of hard work, determination, and commitment to public service from her blue-collar military family. Drawing on those values, she worked her way up the educational and economic ladder to build a successful career a businesswoman in the technology sector. She is the wife of an Army veteran and the sister of a veteran of the War in Iraq. Her background and her obvious commitment to serving her constituents make her the ideal candidate for this district.

Democracy for America is the key endorsement in this race, bringing hundreds of donations from progressives and providing volunteers to participate in door-to-door, grassroots outreach. The DFA Training Academy has trained tens of thousands of activists across the country in the strategies and tactics of successful campaigns and will be coming to Bellevue, WA this February.

"Democracy for America is supporting Darcy Burner because she supports progressive values like ending the War in Iraq, protecting the economic well-being of working men and women, and breaking our addiction to oil. DFA will stand with candidates who stand up for progressive values." said Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of DFA.

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