Released On: December 20, 2007 BURLINGTON, VT

Democracy for America, our nation's largest progressive political action organization, has endorsed Eric Massa's campaign to represent New York's 29th Congressional District.

Eric Massa is a veteran who served in the Navy for 24 years before his career was cut short after doctors diagnosed him with lung cancer related to the use of depleted Uranium in the Gulf War. After working at Corning Inc., Mr. Massa joined the House Armed Services Committee to assist in the oversight of Naval construction and procurement. In protest, he left that position in 2003 after Congress gave President Bush the authority to invade Iraq.

"Eric Massa is an American hero who knew from the beginning that the decision to invade Iraq was wrong and based on faulty intelligence," said Jim Dean, Chairman of Democracy for America. "Mr. Massa has proven that he has the insight and judgment to lead and DFA is proud to endorse his campaign."

Democracy for America is the key endorsement in this race, bringing hundreds of donations from progressives and providing volunteers to participate in door-to-door, grassroots outreach. The DFA Training Academy has trained tens of thousands of activists across the country in the strategies and tactics of successful campaigns and will be coming to Rochester, NY this May.

"Democracy for America is supporting Eric Massa because he will fight to end the War in Iraq, protect Americans from the outsourcing of jobs, and work to expand access to affordable health care. DFA will stand with candidates who stand up for progressive values," said Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of DFA.

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