Democracy for America Endorses Illinois Congressional Candidate Mark Pera

Burlington, VT-- Earlier today the political organization founded by Howard Dean, Democracy for America (DFA), endorsed Mark Pera for Illinois 3rd Congressional district in a Democratic Primary. DFAs involvement is an indication that this contentious Primary is garnering national attention.

Mark Peras challenge to Congressman Dan Lipinski is a consequence of the incumbents numerous votes supporting President Bushs positions including banning stem cell research, expanding domestic wire tapping, and repeatedly voting to stay the course in Iraq.

Were sending a message to Congress: You're on notice. Regardless of political party, when Congress won't represent the will of the American people, DFA will replace them with someone who will. Mark Pera is the more consistently progressive candidate in this election, so the choice is clear, said Jim Dean, brother of Howard Dean, and currently the Chair of Democracy for America.

Although the organization has been involved in contentious Primaries in the past, it is unusual for any organization to get involved this early. According to Dean, DFA endorsed early because the contrast between the two candidates backgrounds highlighted a problem that goes beyond voting records.

This election isnt just about bad votes, its also about leadership and community. Hand-picked by the party machine to take his fathers seat in Congress, Dan Lipinski is a poster child for the culture of incumbency, Dean added.

Mark Pera worked his way up from the steel mills of East Chicago to the Lyons School Board to the State Attorneys office by taking action and engaging members of the district.Pera has built a relationship with the community and many say this has proven his ability to lead.

Area activists from Northside Democracy for America

a local group modeled after the national organization - have been supporting Mark by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and recruiting volunteers for what they call their People-Powered Campaign. DFA decided to offer formal support after the organizations local membership brought this race to their attention.

Founded by Governor Howard Dean in 2004, DFA is a political action committee dedicated to supporting progressive candidates at all levels of government -- from the school board to the presidency. DFA empowers everyday Americans to reform their political system:

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