Democracy for America Endorses Jim Himes for United States Congress

Released: Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BURLINGTON, VT, our nation's largest progressivepolitical action community, has endorsed Jim Himes campaign to represent Connecticuts 4th Congressional District. Jim is runningagainst the increasingly tone-deaf and out-of-touch Republican incumbent andWar in Iraq cheerleader Chris Shays. Rep. Shays is thelast remaining Republican representative in New England.

"Jim Himes represents the future.He offers a tremendous opportunity for us to finally get something done aboutthe critical issues facing us in the 4th District, transportation, affordablehousing, and education," said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA and resident of Fairfield, CT. "More importantly Jim Himes haslived with these problems just like the rest of us, and understands the kind ofleadership it will take to solve them."

Jim Himes was raised by a single mother ina small town in New

Jersey,where he attended public schools and was admitted to Harvard College. There, Jim's academic and athletic accomplishments earned hima Rhodes Scholarship. After completing his studies at Oxford, Jim took an entry-level position at GoldmanSachs, where he worked his way up to Vice President over the course of a 12year career. Fluent in Spanish from his first 10 years of childhood in Latin America, Jim specialized in Latin American andcommunications technology banking.

In 2002, Jim left Wall Street topursue business-oriented solutions to the problems of urban poverty. Heis currently on leave from his role of Vice President and Director of Northeastoperations at Enterprise Community Partners, a non-profit organization whichhelps build affordable housing for low-income Americans by providing financingand expertise to community and housing developers. Under Jim'sleadership, Enterprise developed an innovative program to provide taxpreparation assistance and financial services to low-income families. Jimalso helped Enterprise incorporate green technology into their affordablehousing projects.

Jim has served as an Elder in his church,an elected finance board member, and as a board member of numerous communityorganizations. Jim and his wife Mary live in Cos Cob, CT with their twodaughters, Emma (9) and Linley (6).

Democracy for America is a key endorsement in this race, bringingdonations from progressives and providing volunteers to participate indoor-to-door, grassroots outreach. DFA has helped elect over 550progressives to office from Governor Deval Patrick in Massachusetts to Rep. Donna Edwards in Marylands 4th Congressional District.

Democracy for America is leadingthe charge to take our country back, said Jim Himes. Inraces all across the country, from the top of the ballot to the bottom,Democracy for America has made a real difference by engaging thegrassroots to further progressive values. I am honored to have their support.

"Like a majority of voters in the4th District, Jim Himes is an opponent of the failed War in Iraq. Chris Shays, on the other hand, has stoodwith George Bush and John McCain to insure the continuation of our involvementin this war of choice," saidDaniel I. Medress, Communications Director of DFA. "Chris Shaysis a part of the culture of incumbency thats brought us the financial mess onWall Street, the outsourcing of good-paying jobs, and sky high prices forhealth care. Jim Himes will put an end to these disastrous policies andoffer constituents something they havent had for a longtime: a knowledgeable,experienced, and effective representative."


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