Democracy for America Endorses Joe Garcia for the United States House of Representatives

Released On: February 28, 2008


Democracy for America, our nation's largest progressive political action organization, has endorsed Joe Garcia's campaign to represent Florida's Twenty-fifth Congressional District.

"Joe Garcia is a tough, dynamic Democrat and Democracy for America is proud to endorse his campaign for Congress," said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. "Joe's opponent, Mario Diaz-Balart, has lost touch with the needs of his constituents and has been a consistent vote for the failed policies of the Bush administration. Rep. Diaz-Balart even voted three times against health care for kids because he didn't want to offend his tobacco lobbyist buddies. Joe Garcia offers the type of leadership the district needs in Washington."

Joe Garcia is a community leader who has the vision to bring real change to South Florida and help fix Washington. Joe worked his way through the University of Miami Law School while serving as director of the Exodus Project of the Cuban American National Foundation. Joe continued this work after law school, traveling to 17 countries to meet with dozens of world leaders, reuniting thousands of families that had been scattered throughout the world.

In 1991, Joe was appointed Chairman of the Florida Public Service Commission where he led the deregulation of the state's telecommunications industry, which led to lower prices for consumers. Later on, he worked closely with state lawmakers from both parties to sign the largest energy rate cut in Florida's history.

For 20 years, Joe Garcia has been a leader on the issues that affect the lives of real people. In Washington, he will be a leader on key issues like strengthening our middle class, providing all Americans excellent health care, and re-establishing America as the moral and economic world leader.

"Across the country DFA is making a difference by motivating young people to become actively involved in politics. The work of DFA is important to our community because it advocates a new kind of politics; one that breaks from the divisive special interest politics of the past," said Joe Garcia. "It is an honor to have the endorsement of such an important national organization that is committed to promoting the kind of grassroots activism that will lead to real change in South Florida."

Democracy for America is a key endorsement in this race, bringing hundreds of donations from progressives around the country and providing volunteers to participate in door-to-door, grassroots outreach. The DFA Training Academy has trained tens of thousands of activists across the country in the strategies and tactics of successful campaigns and will be coming to Miami in July.

"Joe Garcia supports progressive values like ending the War in Iraq, expanding access to affordable health care and, protecting the economic well-being of working men and women. DFA will stand with candidates who stand up for progressive values." said Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of DFA.


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