Democracy for America endorses Lisa Herbold for Seattle City Council
DFA Member --
Do you want the United States to become more progressive? If you do, we need to start at home -- in Seattle and in cities across the country.
Seattle has led the nation on important progressive priorities in recent years, including raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. It's no wonder the business elites are fighting back.
Seattle was one of the first cities in America to guarantee paid sick leave to people who work here. That wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Lisa Herbold. As a lead staffer for retiring Councilmember Nick Licata, Lisa Herbold shepherded the landmark paid sick leave bill through the City Council and helped it become law in 2011.
That's just one of the many ways in which Lisa Herbold has been fighting for Seattle residents, especially her neighbors in West Seattle. As housing costs continue to soar and working families struggle to make ends meet, the Chamber of Commerce and other powerful interests are pouring tens of thousands of dollars into the campaign to try and keep her off the City Council.
Today, DFA is endorsing Lisa Herbold for the Seattle City Council in District 1. She joins our other endorsed progressive champions who will fight for the working people of Seattle: Tammy Morales in District 2, Kshama Sawant in District 3, Mike O'Brien in District 6, and Lorena González in Position 9.
Our progressive candidates need your help to reach voters and overcome all the money being spent to defeat them. Can you help volunteer to elect these candidates?
YES, I will volunteer to support these progressive champions.
NO, I cannot volunteer right now, but I will chip in $3 more to help DFA elect progressives to the Seattle City Council.
DFA's five endorsed candidates are backed by a growing movement of progressives who want our City Council to respond to the public interest, not the special interest. They have proven they will fight for a higher minimum wage, for more affordable housing, for publicly funded elections, and for fixing a broken police department. Each of them brings a strong commitment to social and economic justice to a City Council where those values are in short supply.
The corporate elites are gearing up for a big push against our candidates. Last month they did a negative push poll against Lisa Herbold. They're attacking Mike O'Brien because he and Kshama Sawant stood up on the City Council against the terrible deal to let Shell Oil park its Arctic drilling rig at our port.
Big business is scared that we will finally have a City Council that's as progressive as the people of Seattle. They ought to be worried. Starting with these five candidates, Seattle can lead the nation in building a progressive future. Ballots will be mailed out in just over two weeks -- can you help get out the vote for these candidates?
YES, I will volunteer to help DFA's endorsed candidates in Seattle.
NO, I cannot volunteer right now, but I will chip in $3 more to help DFA elect progressives to the Seattle City Council.
Thank you for supporting these progressive champions.
- Robert
Robert Cruickshank, Senior Campaign Manager and Seattle resident
Democracy for America