Democracy for America Executive Director Charles Chamberlain on Sen. Schumer’s betrayal on the Iran
Democracy for America Executive Director Charles Chamberlain on Sen. Schumer's betrayal on the Iran Deal:
"As disappointing as Sen. Schumer's betrayal on the Iran deal is, it's ultimately a cave to the far right that will bring few, if any, additional short-sited Senate votes with it. We're going to get the Iran Deal done with or without Senator Schumer or anyone else who insists on being trapped in the past when it comes to conflict resolution in the Middle East. Senator Schumer was wrong when he voted to back the war with Iraq and he's wrong to work with Republicans to kill this nuclear deal with Iran, period.
"As for what we're doing: We're already making sure Democracy for America members and other progressives all across the country speak out at town hall meetings this August and flood congressional offices with calls over the next 60 days in support of the Iran deal. We're also going to strongly support any member of Congress who stands with the American people and backs this deal in the face of the same fear-mongering, neo-con BS that got us into the War in Iraq. -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America
DFA and a number of allies launched to help facilitate the townhall organizing efforts Charles mentioned. DFA is a national political action group with 1 million members nationwide.