Democracy for America’s Jim Dean remembers NH Rep. Marcia Moody

This morning, we heard the sad news about the untimely death of a Granite State progressive hero and DFA member, New Hampshire Rep. Marcia Moody.

If helpful, here's a statement from Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean on the passing of NH Rep. Marcia Moody:

"State Representative Marcia Moody was a giant in New Hampshire progressive politics and the model of the kind of community-focused, grassroots organizers our country needs in elected office to combat growing income inequality and the right-wing ideologies that enable it. 
"Marcia dedicated her life to making the Granite State and her country a better place for working families.  While we mourn her passing, we know Marcia's legacy will live on for years to come through the countless citizens she inspired to get involved in the political process and fight for our shared progressive values." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

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