Democracy for America’s response to Biden’s pick of Sen. Kamala Harris for Vice President
Vice President Joe Biden just announced that he has chosen Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate in the 2020 election.
Here’s Democracy for America’s reaction to Biden’s selection of Harris as Vice President:
“Vice President Biden’s selection of Senator Kamala Harris gives Democrats a historic opportunity to defeat Donald Trump, break through a glass ceiling for Black women, and win majorities in both the House and the Senate that can deliver the bold progressive reforms we need to restore America.
“We also know that the COVID-19 crisis and an unprecedented full-scale effort by Republicans to preemptively delegitimize the vote and obstruct Americans’ access to the ballot box mean that Democrats need to deliver a victory so big that when Donald Trump cheats it won’t work.
“We urge Vice President Biden and Senator Harris to build a campaign over the next three months that can energize, mobilize, and excite every segment of the Democratic coalition, including progressives, to defeat Trump and win big.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America