DFA calls for VA Gov. Ralph Northam’s resignation following release of racist yearbook photo

This evening, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam publicly confirmed that he appeared in a racist photo on his individual page in his 1984 Medical School yearbook.

Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America's Chair, issued the following statement calling for Northam's immediate resignation:

"In 2017, we expressed profound concern about the racist campaign that Ralph Northam conducted when he ran for Governor.

"After his refusal this evening to be completely transparent about his past actions, it's clear that Ralph Northam has no business remaining Governor of Virginia.

"Whether it happened yesterday or thirty-five years ago, the Democratic Party of 2019 has no place for people in positions of power with a history of racist actions. Ralph Northam should resign from his office immediately." -- Charles Chamberlain, Chair, Democracy for America

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