DFA calls on Hoyer to step down from House leadership following secret recordings

This morning, THE INTERCEPT released audio of Rep. Steny Hoyer, the second-ranking Democrat in the House leadership, actively trying to push a progressive candidate out of Colorado’s 6th congressional district primary.

DFA's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain responds to this explosive tape by calling for Steny Hoyer's resignation or removal from House Democratic leadership:

"The secret recordings of Steny Hoyer trying to push a grassroots progressive candidate out of a race for Congress exposes the work Hoyer has done for years actively undermining progressive power in Congress and ensuring the Democratic Party is filled with elected officials who are politically incapable of standing up to the corporate interests who profit off the country's growing racial and economic inequality.

"If Steny Hoyer wants to continue carrying water for greed-driven corporate interests in Congress, that's his choice, but he doesn't represent the future of the Democratic Party or the interests of the people of color and progressive white voters critical to retaking the House in November.

"We saw what happens when Democratic Party leaders put their fingers on the scale in primaries in 2006 through 2016, when we lost nearly 1000 elected offices up and down the ballot.  Steny Hoyer likes to spend a lot of time talking to progressive candidates about electoral viability but, after his exposure in these recordings, it's time for him to recognize that only thing that's truly not viable is his leadership role in a House Democratic caucus that depends on an enthusiastic grassroots progressive base for its majority. 

“Steny Hoyer should resign or be removed from House Democratic leadership immediately.”  -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

It’s particularly notable that Democratic leaders like Steny Hoyer, along with corporate-funded New Democrats, are hurting the chances of Democrats taking back the House by supporting candidates who oppose popular ideas and won't help inspire more Democratic voters to turn-out in November.

Recent polling conducted by our friends at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in swing districts like KS-3, W1-1, CA-45, CA-25, CA-49, and NJ-3, and all across the nation show that bold ideas like Medicare For All, expanding Social Security, debt-free college, and challenging big corporations like Big Pharma are tremendously popular.

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