DFA calls on Van Hollen take down “deceptive & disrespectful” Edwards attack ad
On Thursday, Congressman Chris Van Hollen released a misleading attack ad using the President's image to shamelessly attack Donna Edwards for an ad her campaign didn't produce, pay for, or release.
Democracy for America is calling on Chris Van Hollen to take down his deceptive and disrespectful attack ad immediately.
Statement from Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain calling for Van Hollen to take down his attack ad:
"Congressman Van Hollen's new, deceptive and disrespectful attack ad is what we're used to seeing from Donald Trump and Tea Party Republicans and should be taken down immediately.
"It's inappropriate and deeply disrespectful for Congressman Van Hollen to use President Obama's image in a misleading ad designed to attack Donna's character for a mistake her campaign did not commit.
"Congressman Van Hollen is disrespectfully and inaccurately using the President's image as a shield, rather than explaining why he made a backroom deal with the NRA that would have continued its stranglehold on American politics at a time when gun violence is devastating communities in Maryland and across the country.
"Marylanders deserve to know the truth about Congressman Van Hollen's record and whether their next senator will truly stand up to the gun industry lobbyists at the NRA or not." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America