DFA: “Grossly inadequate indictment” in Breonna Taylor case “reaffirms why we say #BlackLivesMatter”

This afternoon, a Kentucky Grand Jury announced a narrow set of indictments that did not include any charges in direct response to the murder of Breonna Taylor.

Profoundly disappointed by the indictment announcement, DFA is responding by reiterating its commitment to electing a slate of champions for criminal justice reform across the country in 2020.

The following is a statement reacting to the Taylor indictments from Democracy for America CEO Yvette Simpson: 

“Today’s grossly inadequate indictment in Louisville reaffirms why we say #BlackLivesMatter.  Breonna Taylor’s life mattered and that’s why it’s so shameful, harmful, and dangerous to our collective sense of justice that the indictment released this afternoon so explicity ignores her murder.

“The police officers who killed Breonna Taylor should be held accountable for her murder.  Anything less is a failure of our justice system and an important reminder of the work that remains to be done to elect leaders in that system -- prosecutors, judges, sheriffs, and others -- who are committed to fighting its continued racial inequities and injustices.

“This is the work that Democracy for America has long committed itself to doing and is recommitting ourselves to doing again today in Breonna Taylor’s name.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

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