DFA: “It’s beyond pathetic” that Dems “choked” in fight for DREAM act in must-pass budget bill
Democracy for America’s Charles Chamberlain on Congressional Democrats failure to deliver on their promise to pass protections for Dreamers before the end of 2017:
"It's beyond pathetic that, at the moment when they had maximum political leverage on must-pass year-end budget legislation, Democratic congressional leaders choked and refused to fight for a clean DREAM Act.
"Each day 122 Dreamers lose their protected immigration status and get one step closer to deportation. They don't have the luxury of waiting to fight for the lives they've built in the United States until the political sailing gets a little easier or Congressional Republicans get around to pretending like they care about their plight.
"In the year ahead, Democrats need to win back control of Congress with leaders who not only understand the stakes in the battle against Trump, but have the guts to use political leverage when they have it to deliver crushing blows to his hate-fueled agenda. Democracy for America is committed to finding and electing those kinds of fearless leaders in 2018, and we've got no problem working to replace those already in Congress who fail to meet that standard." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America