DFA: Jayapal’s Medicare for All Act sets “new gold standard” for vital healthcare transformation
This morning, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal is introducing the Medicare for All Act of 2019 on Capitol Hill alongside dozens of congressional co-sponsors and grassroots leaders from across the country including Democracy for America's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Yvette Simpson.
DFA CEO Yvette Simpson released the following statement on the launch of Jayapal's Medicare for All Act:
"The Medicare for All Act is a bold, comprehensive healthcare plan rooted in the simple idea that healthcare is a human right, not some sacred cash cow for the insurance industry or Big Pharma.
"Congresswoman Jayapal's bill establishes a new gold standard in the fight for a practical, cost-efficient way to provide a single standard of quality health care to everyone.
"Democracy for America and its members are looking forward to working with Congresswoman Jayapal and the more than 100 co-sponsors of this bill to elevate the stories of the millions of Americans whose lives would be immeasurably improved with the passage of the Medicare for All Act. This bill is about prioritizing the needs of people and putting their lives and health above private and special interests.
"We will also be making sure that every 2020 presidential candidate knows that we and other progressives will be measuring any Medicare for All plan they put forward against the elegant, visionary and thorough plan Jayapal has put forward today." — Yvette Simpson, Chief Executive Officer, Democracy for America