DFA: “Kamala Harris delivered a pitch perfect dismantling” of Trump-Pence in VP Debate

Reaction to tonight’s Vice Presidential debate from Democracy for America’s Chair Charles Chamberlain:

“From the pandemic to the economy to racial justice, Senator Kamala Harris won the debate with substance backed up by the truth.

“Mike Pence failed to effectively lead the Trump Administration’s response to the Coronavirus, so it should be no surprise that he failed to deliver an effective debate performance tonight.

“Kamala Harris delivered a pitch-perfect dismantling of every distraction, diversion, and falsehood Pence tried to peddle as he robotically repeated Trump’s lies with the attitude of someone who didn’t even want to be there --  showing America the true contrast between her leadership and his failure.

“With two of the oldest Presidential nominees in American history leading their tickets, this was likely the most consequential Vice Presidential debate in a generation. Kamala Harris not only delivered a performance tonight that will inspire the next generation, she definitively proved that, if called, she’s ready from day one.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Chair, Democracy for America

DFA CEO Yvette Simpson will be on ABC News this evening offering her own assessment of tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate.

Democracy for America is a member-driven, people-powered progressive PAC with a one million-strong community taking on income inequality, money in politics, and structural racism.

While DFA now supports Joe Biden over Donald Trump, during the Democratic primary, DFA endorsed Bernie Sanders.

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