DFA on Bernie’s road ahead & the April 26 Primary Results

Statement from Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain following the April 26th Presidential primaries:

"Bernie has proved that his campaign isn't just a message, it's a movement. The millions of people who have raised millions of dollars, made millions phone calls, and knocked on millions of doors have transformed the 2016 race by bringing millions of new voters and independents into the Democratic party to fight against income inequality, structural racism, and money in politics.
"The question right now isn't whether the movement behind Bernie Sanders is going to continue winning delegates and states in the weeks ahead, it's whether the Democratic establishment is going to bring our party together by embracing our fight for a political revolution or tell us to sit down, shut up and fall in line,likely costing Democrats nationwide the critical votes we'll need in the general election. 
"In the weeks and months ahead, Democracy for America will continue fighting to ensure Bernie Sanders wins the largest number of delegates possible to represent our movement in Philadelphia and to make certain progressives in all 50 states have their voices heard in this historic Presidential primary."  -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

Since they voted to endorse Senator Sanders for President in December, DFA members have made more than 154,000 individual contributions totalling more than $1.5 million to Sen. Sanders' race -- more than we've raised for any single campaign since our founding 12 years ago. 

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