DFA on “cowardly bigot” Trump’s failure to call out white supremacist terrorism in Charlottesville

Following Donald Trump's absurdly disturbing press conference glossing over the white supremacist terrorist attack during today's racist rallies in Charlottesville, VA, Democracy for America released the following statement.

"We don't need to 'study' the storm of bigotry and hate that Donald Trump helped unleashed in this country and, today, killed a peaceful protestor in the streets of Charlottesville.  

"It should be shocking that the President of the United States has refused to call the white supremacist terrorism that occurred today what it is, but it isn't. Donald Trump is a cowardly bigot who openly sought the support of the people carrying torches, running over individuals, and screaming Nazi slogans.

"The brave souls who put their bodies on the line to stand up to bigotry, hate, and white supremacy in Charlottesville represent the very best of our country's values and serve as a model of resistance that we all must work to emulate." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

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