DFA on DEBATE #1: “When Donald Trump wasn’t lying tonight, he was delusional.”
Here’s a quick reaction to tonight’s general election debate from Democracy for America’s Chair Charles Chamberlain:
“Joe Biden won tonight’s debate because he spoke straight to the American people while Donald Trump came unglued.
“When Donald Trump wasn’t lying tonight, he was delusional. Joe Biden was clear, strong, and the only adult on that stage.
“The U.S. leads the world in coronavirus deaths, the west coast is on fire, and a record 13.5 million Americans are sitting at home unemployed in Donald Trump’s America and the President of the United States spent the first presidential debate acting like a petulant child.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Chair, Democracy for America
DFA CEO Yvette Simpson will be on ABC News this evening offering her own assessment of the debate as well.
Democracy for America is a member-driven, people-powered progressive PAC with a one million-strong community taking on income inequality, money in politics, and structural racism.
While DFA now supports Joe Biden over Donald Trump, during the Democratic primary, DFA endorsed Bernie Sanders.